Wednesday 24 October 2012

Income from Solar power

Everyone is looking for an extra source of income especially during this time when prices of commodities continue to rise high. If you are living in a suitable place where solar can be fits on your roof, then you have the big chance to make money out of it. These panels will not only provide you with an alternative power source to get rid of electric bills but also gives relief to minds.

The permissions are provided by the government to those who wants to install solar systems in their businesses or homes.The rebates obtained from solar can be up to 50% of the installation cost. After receiving your rebate check from setting up your solar system, the money is absolutely yours and you can do anything with it.

One main reason why the government is providing all these incentives is to convince people to use alternative power source so that the world will not primarily depend on only one source of electricity which is fossil fuel.
Another reason is to encourage the decrease in price of panels. When a lot of people are purchasing solar panels, there will be additional production from different companies which will surely lower the cost of each unit.

Another possible source of income from solar panels is leasing your rooftop for installation of units by various companies that are interested in generating power by method of solar energy.This method has already been implemented by many people in California. They are leasing their rooftops to companies without any money required in advance for the installation of solars.Home and buildings which are greatly exposed to sunlight have been used by owners to make money out of them or savings from not paying the monthly electric bills because they are also allowed to use the solar panels on their roof. Even unemployed individuals having the ideal roof can earn a reasonable money out of solars.Leasing rooftop to solar contractors has been gaining popularity because of the advantages it offers.

Owners of homes and buildings are renting the available space in their roof to contractors for solar system operation with a corresponding rent that serves as their income.The system operator will then provide the solar power to utility and receives compensation from the power grid where the electricity is being sold.
The solar contractor can provide the roof owner with different options of the lease, depending on the qualities of the roof.One option is that the solar contractor will provide the needed materials for the solar system installations and the owner will spend nothing. In exchange, he can make use of the electricity generated by the solar. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Optical Fiber

There are many types of communication systems in the world around. Among all these, the optical fiber communication system has its own worth. An optical fiber communication system has a number of attractive features that make it more affordable to use. It’s become more popular than other systems due to its ease. So, we will see the advantages of this communication system:

Enormous Potential Bandwidth 

The optical carrier frequency is within the range of 1013 to 1016 Hz.This large frequency range makes it better over the normal cable systems.

Small Weight And Size

Optical fibers have very small diameters. These diameters are often no greater than a human hair. As a result, despite being covered with protective coatings, they are far smaller and much lighter than the corresponding copper cables which are harder having large diameters.

Electrical Isolation

Optical fibers are electrical insulators that they can’t conduct electricity.They doesn’t affect by earth loop.Moreover, this property makes the transmission more suitable even in electrically hazardous places.


Optical fibers form a dielectric waveguide and hence they are free from electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio frequency interference (RFI) etc. As a result, the transmission in such a system is totally unaffected by electrically noisy environment.

Security Of the Signal

The light from optical fibers does not radiate significantly and as a result they provide a high degree of signal security.

Low Transmission Loss

As continuous development in the technology from the last 20 years the modern optical fibers exhibit very low transmission loss as compared to the good copper conductors. The losses in cases of fibers are as low as 0.15 decibel per kilometer.That’s a great advantage of that.


With the development of technology, modern fibers are very much flexible.Taking the weight and size advantage into account, these cables are normally superior in terms of transportation, storage, handling, installation etc. to the corresponding copper cables.

Easy Maintenance And System Reliability

Due to the low loss property of optical fibers, their system reliability is generally enhanced in comparison with the conventional electrical conductor systems. Also these systems are easy to maintain in this world of modern technology. The maintenance costs are also low as compared to electrical systems.

Low Cost 

The glass that is normally used in the making of the fibers is made from sand that is not a rare resource. As a result, in comparison with the copper conductors, these systems have low cost line communication.

Saturday 13 October 2012


Digital Logic and Design

Digital design is concerned with the design of digital electronic circuits.The subject is also known by other names such as logic design,digital logic,switching circuits and digital systems.Digital circuits are employed in the design of systems such as digital computers,control systems,data communications and many other applications that require electronic digital hardware.This book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides methods and procedures suitable for a variety of digital design applications.
Author : M.Morris Mano
Download Here :   Preface

                               Chapter 1

                               Chapter 2

                               Chapter 3

                               Chapter 4

                               Chapter 5

                               Chapter 6

                               Chapter 7

                               Chapter 8

                               Chapter 9

                               Chapter 10

                               Chapter 11

                               Chapter 12
