Saturday 8 September 2012

Demand Of Programmer

Computer professionals are so much in demand today that those with an undergraduate graduate degree in computer science or information technology can easily settle in a technology career and can better build his/her future. 


There are lot of opportunities for anyone interested in selecting a career in computer technology. One of the most demandable careers is computer programming. Computer programmers make computer software. However, writing computer software is not as easy as it sounds. For that, the programmer needs to be skilled in different programming languages such as C basic, C++,OOP,HTML, XML, Java, Lisp, Python and others.

The process of writing software or the source code of computer programs is known as computer programming. Computer programming is actually a set of instructions written in one or more programming languages that the computer follows in order to perform certain activities or operations. Hence, it includes designing, writing,testing,debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. Besides having knowledge in programming languages, the computer programmer must have knowledge in application domains, special algorithms, and digital logic.
As part of their job, computer programmers perform various activities namely


It is the process of writing computer instructions using some human readable programming languages.


The process of translating source code into object code is referred to as compilation.


Debugging refers to the process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, defects, or issues in a computer program.


It is Known as internal documentation or programmer documentation, it is the process of documenting source code so that other programmers can easily navigate through the code in order to find or fix bugs or to add new features.

Integration :

The ability to read or manipulate the data or information on any program by another program using standard format is known as integration.


It involves the process of restructuring the body of code in order to improve the readability and maintainability of the code and to reduce the complexity of the code.

Requirements Analysis :

It is the process of determining the requirements of the client so that the software developed conform to client needs and requirements.
Software Architecture :

It refers to identifying key scenarios, quality attributes and specific requirements that need to be considered so that the software has a solid foundation.

Software Testing :

It is the process of executing a computer program in order to validate and verify its quality.

Specification :

It is a set of requirements that a program or software must fulfill. A programmer expects the program to perform certain activities and if it fails to meet even one of the applicable specifications, it is termed as being out of specification.

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