Saturday 15 September 2012

Dream Weaver

When making a suggestion to someone to try something new, it is important to have full grip over the new thing by yourself. This allows others to make a strong decision as to whether or not they will take up your offer. There are some of the advantages of using Dream Weaver software to design efficient web pages.

Ease and efficiency of use:

This software is for all level users and also for beginners. Simple and complex websites can be designed using a point and click method and html pages can be viewed during the design process.

Users of Dream Weaver have the ability to select different views when creating web pages. A 'code view' shows only the html code for the page. A 'design view' gives an indication of how the html page will appear in a browser. 'A split view', as the name implies, allows you to see the code view and design view at the same time. Both views are updated automatically as changes are being made and the user can immediately see the effect of any changes. This is the great speciality of that.

The ability to create consistent looking web pages:

This software includes templates for web pages to assist in the design process. Template files can be created by the user or alternatively, ready prepared templates are available. This feature makes it possible for beginners to design web pages as the workload is reduced. If your site is made up of twenty pages based around a particular template design, for example, it will have a consistent style and therefore be more user friendly. 

Managing and updating websites effectively:

Website designers can make changes to the design of a website simply by editing the Dream Weaver template files. This eliminates the need to alter each page manually because Dream Weaver can automatically update the pages created using a template. This saves much time and effort. Furthermore, the use of templates means that the code and design are separate. As a result, changes can be made to the content without the risk of making unnecessary or incorrect alterations to the code.

Easy to upload using FTP:

Dream Weaver software comes with built in FTP features so it is possible to upload files directly to your website.That’ the great flexibility.

Customisable software:

Users of Dream Weaver can customise the look of the software to match their requirements. Menus, tabs, commands, fonts and code colouring can all be adjusted to any preference. This can effectively streamline the web design process. So, the use of Dream Weaver helps a lot as it gives reliance,ease,flexibility and much more for your Websites.

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