Tuesday 11 September 2012

Web Hosting

When you run an e-commerce website you need the very affordable web hosting service. Every second when your website isn’t online and running, you’re losing profit and that’s bad for the business. 

The first step is to make sure that you only look at dedicated servers. When you run an auction site, or an online website that sells products, you need that website to be available to your customers at all time without any hurdle. On a shared server, you’ll be sharing bandwidth and storage space with other customers who are also hosting their websites on that server. This can cause two different problems. 

One issue that could arise is that those other customers exceed the bandwidth limit for their site. Should this happen it could encroach on your bandwidth, and if they use too much, it could ultimately shut your site down. Another issue that could shut your site down is if your website exceeds its bandwidth limit. If the web host doesn’t allow you to exceed that limit with an automatic charge, this could also shut your website down. 

With a dedicated server however, your website and your website alone will be stored on only one server. This means that your website will always be up and running, no matter how many people visit it daily. 

Once you’ve ensured that your website will have the resources it needs to be up and running, you’ll need to decide which features you want in your web hosting package. 

Shopping carts will allow your customers to pile up items as they shop around your site and SSL certificates will be necessary if your customers will be doing any kind of financial transactions on your site.That will ease to your business. In addition to these there are also search boxes, newsletter subscriptions, related products, product zooms, and a ton of other features that your website can use and these gadgets are supplied by web host company. Look through the list of features offered by different hosts very carefully and decide on the ones that you’ll need most. Then compare the different prices among web hosts for offering these services. 

There are many things you’ll need to consider when choosing a web host for your e-commerce website, and bandwidth and features are just a few of them. The most important thing is to fully understand your contract and make sure you’re working with a reputable web host by asking for referrals and looking for reviews about the company online. Although it may take more time than you had originally intended , your research and dedicated efforts will be well worth it when your e-commerce site is continuously up and running  and helping you to make money.

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