Monday 25 March 2013


Importance of Ecommerce in your life

We all do shopping in our daily routine and indeed it’s one of the basic activity. Everybody do shopping and purchase goods on their own demands.So when it comes to shopping we think about big stores / malls etc. where we can just need to go and take whatever we want with ease. Although uptill now there is no such store which can sell almost all items like from needle to elephant. Here is the discussion of virtual shopping which is far more effective now a days. That is the ecommerce (electronic commerce) which was originated in late 90s and now comprises the majority of internet revenue.

E-commerce can be of several types like B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumers), C2C (Consumer to Consumer) etc. but mainly the B2C is considered as most widespread because everyone is involved in it.

The reasons why ecommerce is gaining importance against the physical stores is because the product can be bought without visiting the store thus saving much of time. Another reason is that, we have the facility of reviewing the product price from several stores thus giving many choices. The discounts running on the commodities can be checked out. The store providing with lower shipping costs or offering free shipping can be searched out.

Payments are paid safely via smart cards / credit cards which have the chargeback policy in case you are cheated. You can maintain your invoices online for the products you purchase, this gives the opportunity to maintain the books online and tally them for taxation purposes whenever you like. The most important thing is the ease of shopping. Usually you have to just sit on your computer and even you can do shop online via mobile apps available now a days, in this way you can choose from a variety of stores.

Another important feature is to the global trading, as it’s not possible to locate a product that is sold only in particular geography so if that is available online you can purchase in a click. Social media has opened a channel where users share the information about a product. So if you are intended to buy the same, the social media platform can provide you with the reviews before making a purchase, this is not possible in physical shopping world. Search engines do provide you with a stuff you are looking for in one go thereby making your purchase more quick.

So if you are not online then indeed you are missing something. Ecommerce is big and growing business, it’s time to use the same for our own benefit.

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