Monday 25 March 2013

Effective Website

Structure of Web-site

Websites have become an important part of human lives. On a single click you can get the information about anything from anywhere. You can access a website from anywhere any time, with a variety of devices like computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. A web site is basically a set of related webpages containing text, video, music, audio and images. It maintains a series of webpages on World Wide Web.

Website's are easy to access. You can use webpages to read daily news from all over the world, shop for products, get education and do social media work. Website plays an effective role in promoting your business. There are many website's which run online stores that offers a wide range of products and services for customers.

Website's act as a primary tool in growing your business. You have to create an appealing webpage to catch the attention of visitors and increase your brand awareness. Once your visitors start liking your website, you can easily promote your products through it. That’s boost up your sale.

A simple web-site structure includes the following things:


It consist of two components the designing part and the coding part. Web designing is the designing part of your web-site. It is a process of creating and planning a website. It includes webpages, content, images, videos, links and audios etc. A web designer uses different graphic programs like Photoshop and Flash to design a website. It also provides a framework for the look and feel of a webpages. A perfectly designed website attracts more visitors as website designing is all about visual presentation of your ideas.


The second component is web development for proper functioning of your web-site. A web developer is responsible for the coding part of the website. They work on different coding languages like PHP, JavaScript, and CSS coded programming scripts to define visual styles. The web languages plays important role in proper functioning of web-site.


The next most important part of a website is, "navigation." It facilitates movement from one webpage to another. A good navigation always attracts users to your website. A website without navigation is handicapped to a large extent. A well designed and clear navigation guide your users and provide them ease. This will ultimately help your visitors to find the relevant information that they are looking for.


A web-site is called to be a good website only when it provides easy accessibility and usability to the visitors. Make your website user friendly. Make sure the website's load time is reasonable. Time taking website always irritates customers. No matter how great your website looks, users won't like waiting for a plug-in to load.


Know your customers, try to find out their purchasing process and then focus on the sales funnel to know where you need to improve. For a successful running website you need to establish your credibility and build trust. For that purpose the web-site should be easy to load.


Provide information rich content to your visitors. Consider content as the heart of your website. A good, unique content always draws customer's attention. To gain more traffic to your website, update your web content on a regular basis. It will bring more customers to your website and retain the existing ones. An information rich content will clearly define the objectives of your company.


The ending part of an orderly designed website is footer. Footer provides the key information of your website like, About Us, Contact Us, Terms and Services, Privacy Policy, and Site Map, Address and Phone Numbers. Footer should be clear, concise and readable.

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