Sunday 3 March 2013

Negative impact of Technology

Although technology is good and has made life easier in many ways, it also has the negative impact on society. For example, before it was well advanced, kids had a social life that was called "outside". With the kids of today, their form of entertainment is the PlayStation, Facebook, Blackberries, iPhones, and Television sets that come with about 300 channels.

Apart from the kids, there are many people who do not have patience, owing to the high technology levels. The reason is that man is becoming increasingly dependent on technology day by day.  As much of us have been made aware of the positive side of that technology, it is important for all of us that we would be aware of the negative impact it has on various sectors like communication,social and education.

With regard to communication, it has now become instant, and unfortunately, many individuals have not taken the time to analyze the effect it has on their lifestyles. Those with families have the spouse and the children waiting for them after having been in the office the entire day. Unfortunately, such people arrive home and the next moment they are on their computers checking the latest updates on Facebook, and emails. The use of that technology leaves no time for the family and the today’s relaxation is totally changed. To have hundreds of friends on a social network like Facebook,Twitter is not really important, considering that there is no face-to-face interaction.

While internet access and technology have made communication easy, one can also stay connected for as long as it is necessary. The problem is that even when having lunch with family, there are people who are busy with their Blackberries while browsing. Even they would like to update whatever they do like eating, gaming and hoteling.

Education has also been affected adversely by technology. Google plays an important role. Students find details related to any topic that they need to write about. Owing to all the information being readily available, students have turned out to be extremely lethargic. With many colleges, the assignments must be submitted online. Regardless of the depth of a topic, a student just needs a few hours online in order to come up with a good essay or presentation.

The negative impact is prominent  in the kids that are the best source of details concerning the latest games, gadgets, technology and more. They are more informed of cell phones that are latest. For the children, Androids, iPhones, PlayStations, and Video games are the way of recreation.

Although lives are now unbelievably easy, but the stress or pain attached to it cannot be ignored. Unless the negative impacts are evaluated, dealing with them is not easy. We should pay our attention on how we can remove/avoid our bad impacts of technology.

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