Saturday 2 March 2013

Satellite Radio Antenna

Satellite radio antennas receive signals transfer by communication satellite. These signals are received by satellite receiver antennas and are tuned according to the bandwidth available. For example, sometimes the frequency is changed or perhaps increased and then directed back to the earth.

These signals have a appropriate frequency and bandwidth and are moderated by amplitude, frequency or by various other means. Also, each signal carries some amount of information. The type of frequency band depends on the weight of information which includes data, pictures or sound. The six frequency bands available are, L-band, S-band, C-band, X-band, Ku-band and Ka-band.

L-band frequency is used for data transmission and mobile telephony whereas, Ka-band frequency is used when you need to transmit high-end data to large business groups, television stations and for videoconferencing. This is used widely in business meetings.

Use of Satellite radio antennas :

Satellite radio antennas are commonly used for a telecommunication purpose. It transmits and receives signals for television, radio,mobile and internet data transmission. Such kind of an arrangement enables you to view several television channels that are broadcast through some of the major TV stations of the world.

Digital satellite television are becoming popular amongst the TV viewers and the sale of satellite antennas is increasing day by day. Always buy satellite antenna set as per exact requirements. For example: omnidirectional antennas are those which receive signals from every direction.

For smooth and obstacle free transmission, it is important that you place your satellite radio antenna at a suitable location. In short, this results in a better television watching experience for the viewers. You can seek help to understand the installation process from various websites and tutorials available on the internet. These websites explains a step wise process to set your antenna. Satellite antenna sets needs to be maintained well and should be kept away from water and from the close proximity to children.

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