Friday 1 March 2013

Time Management

The concept of time is defined by many people in different years. Generally, we operate with two different times. The first is the time determined by the clock, that isn't real but we manage our every day business by that time.

The second type of time is real time. This is time as we experience it. The time which is passing in meeting/exam. The time during been enjoying a party/night out for six hours that really felt like two or it’s nice saying “Time flies when we are having fun." Our language is full of these quotes. But, here we discuss time management. In the hope, that one can go on to build a very successful network marketing business or simply to organise busy schedule to free up some time for recreation.

No business can be run as a part time job but proper time  and implementation is required to starts a business and to progress a business. So, here’s also, time plays an important role.

For two weeks monitor your daily activities in a small diary or anything you feel comfortable. Record everything you do on a daily basis, note down the time taken for each activity. Once you've completed your two week diary you will have a snap shot of your life. Surely, you will be shocked to see how much time you spend doing unimportant tasks. 

With good physical fitness you will sleep less, spend more time being productive, feel better about everything. Ignore everything unimportant and spend time in implementing useful and important tasks. 

Give yourself a scheduled time each day to respond to email, facebook, sms etc. Don’t waste time in reading unimportant mails and commercials sms. Turn off the automatic notification on your cell phone.This simple action can save you lots of time on a daily basis.

Set some goals for daily activities. Write them down and put a time frame on them. This will better lead you on your completion of tasks. Include in your schedule some leisure time. Have some fun daily. Spend some time with family. Each night before you go to sleep think about the day that just happened. Remind of the tasks that you didn’t accomplished. This evaluation phase is very important. The feedback we receive lets us know if we are on course or not. After evaluating your day, plan out the next. Set the plan clearly in your mind and you'll be amazed at just how much you get through.

Set your alarm clock for the time you want to get out of bed. Not for 15minutes before, to give you some snoozing time. This dozing actually makes you more drowsy when you do get out of bed. This feeling stays with you long into the morning and makes you less productive, Instead of dozing get out of bed immediately. You will feel more alert and therefore more productive.Remember that 20 percent of your activities will produce 80 percent of your results. 

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